Gulf Coast FIRE, in partnership with Dr. James Quintiere of Q Dot, llc and Fire Investigations (UK),LLP hosted the Advanced Principles of Fire Dynamics training program at the BRE Academy in the United Kingdon. This three day training program consisted of a combination of lecture on various fire dynamic topics including math of fire investigation, heat transfer, combustion, fire growth, fire plumes, and enclosure fires. Each lecture was supported by a hands on practical experiment to reinforce the lecture teaching points.
In partnership with Watch House International, Gulf Coast FIRE recently presented an 8 hour lecture on NFPA 1033, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator and the recent updates to NFPA 921, Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations, 2014 edition. This seminar was presented by Robert Schaal, IAAI-CFI representing Gulf Coast FIRE and cosisted of classroom lecture focusing on the importance of NFPA 1033, specifically defining and discussing the various topics outlined in Chapter 1, section 1.3.7. Additionally, significant changes to the 2014 Edition of NFPA 921 were discussed.
Gulf Coast FIRE recently partnered with the Fire Investigation Association of Alberta and MSD Engineering in the delivery of a 3 1/2 day training seminar discussing Ventilation Effects on Fire Behavior and Arc Mapping. This seminar was presented by Robert Schaal, IAAI-CFI representing Gulf Coast FIRE and Jason McPherson, PE representing MSD Engineering. The program included a blend of classroom lecture with practical exercises and scale burns. The program well attended and had tremendous community sponsorship.
Gulf Coast FIRE recently presented a four hour program on fire dynamics on July 30, 2015 to the Louisiana Association of Arson Investigators (LAAI) as part of their annual Southern Training Day. This program was conducted at the Louisiana State University, Fire and Emergency Training Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The program consisted of a blend of lecture and scale burn practical exercises.